Common Questions
How do I add a component?
To add a component to an Entity, select the Entity and then click Add Component in the Inspector or right click on the Entity and select a component from the Add Component context menu.
How do I add a script?

You can use JavaScript to control the behavior of entities. Select any entity, add a script component and create a new script asset.
How do I change the background color?
To change the background color of your scene, you should update the Clear Color property of the camera in your scene.
You could also try and adding a skybox to your scene.
How do I change the material of a model?

Every surface on a 3D model is rendered using a material. The material defines the properties of that surface, such as its color, shininess, bumpiness etc.
You can create a new material and drag and drop it on your model or you can select its existing materials and edit their properties in the Inspector.
How do I create a cubemap?

Cubemaps are a special type of texture asset. They are formed from 6 texture assets where each texture represents the face of a cube.
To create a cubemap click on the
Add button in the Assets panel and select New Cubemap. Then drag 6 textures in the cubemap inspector. To take advantage of Physically Based Rendering make sure you click Prefilter after setting the 6 textures.How do I create an Entity?

You can create a new Entity by clicking on the
Add button in the Hierarchy panel or right click on an Entity and use the New Entity menu item.How do I create a light?
You can create a light by adding a Light component to an Entity. You can also right click on an Entity and select New Entity / Directional Light to create a new directional light and similarly for spot lights and omni lights.
How do I create a material?
Every surface on a 3D model is rendered using a material. The material defines the properties of that surface, such as its color, shininess, bumpiness etc.
To create a material click on the
Add button in the Assets panel and then select New Material.How do I create a new shader?
You can create a new shader asset from the asset panel. Click Add Asset -> Shader.
How do I create a shape like a box or sphere?

You can add primitive shapes like boxes, spheres and others by adding a Render Component on an Entity and changing its type to the desired shape.
You can also right click on an Entity and select New Entity/Box to add a box (similarly for other shapes).
How do I create a skybox?
To create a skybox for your scene you first need to create a Cubemap asset. Then you can drag and drop the Cubemap inside the 3D viewport, or you can go to the Scene Settings and drag the Cubemap in the Skybox field.
How do I delete an asset?
To delete an asset select it and press Delete or right click on it and select Delete.
How do I delete an Entity?
You can delete an Entity by selecting it and pressing Delete. Alternatively you can click on the
Delete button in the Hierarchy panel or right click on the Entity and select Delete from the context menu.How do I duplicate an Entity?
To duplicate an Entity use the
Duplicate button in the Hierarchy panel or press Ctrl+D.You can also copy and paste an Entity. To copy press Ctrl+C and to paste Ctrl+V.
How do I play an animation?
To play an animation of a 3D model you need to create an Entity with a Model Component and an Animation Component. The Model Component will render your model and the Animation Component will play animations.
To render the model drag a model Asset in the Asset field of the Model Component. To play animations drag Animation Assets on the Assets field of the Animation Component.
How do I play a sound?
To play sounds you need to add a Sound component to an Entity. Then you can create slots to play Audio assets. Simply click "Add Slot" and drag an Audio Asset on the Asset field. In order to hear the sounds you also need to add an AudioListener component to an Entity - usually to the Camera Entity.
You can create Audio assets by dragging audio files from your computer into the Assets panel.
How do I remove a component?

To remove a component, select the Entity and then click on the
Delete button in the Inspector next the component’s title.How do I render a 3D model?

To render a 3D model you need to add a Model Component to an Entity and drag a Model Asset on the Asset field. Alternatively you can drag and drop a Model Asset from the Assets Panel into the 3D Viewport.
How do I move / rotate / scale an Entity?

To move an Entity, select it and then move it using the
Translate tool. To rotate it use the Rotate tool and to scale it use the Scale tool.Switch between the Translate / Rotate / Scale tools by pressing 1 / 2 / 3 respectively.
How do I upload assets?
To upload Assets simply drag and drop files from your computer into the Assets panel. Your files will be processed by the server and will appear shortly after in the Assets Panel.
How do I use physics?
To give physical properties to an Entity you need to add a Collision component to it and a RigidBody component. The Collision component gives a physical shape to the Entity and the RigidBody component makes the Entity be simulated by the physics engine.
You can change the default gravity in the Scene Settings.
How do I use real-time shadows?
Real-time shadows are rendered for each light source that has Cast Shadows enabled. To enable shadows, select an Entity with a Light component and enable Cast Shadows. You also need to enable Cast Shadows on any Model components in your scene.