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Procedural Levels

This project uses clone() function on the Entity to randomly generate a level from Entities that have been created in the Editor.

Try it from the Editor in the tutorial project.

This script below is a very simple level generation program. It takes two Entities that have been setup in the Editor: 'Grass' and 'House' and uses them as tiles for a grid based level. The level is created by randomly choosing one of the tiles, cloning the tile to create a new Entity, then placing the new Entity at the correct grid position.

var Generate = pc.createScript('generate');

Generate.attributes.add('numTilesX', {
type: 'number',
default: 10

Generate.attributes.add('numTilesY', {
type: 'number',
default: 10

// initialize code called once per entity
Generate.prototype.initialize = function() {
// We've created a couple of templates that are our world tiles
// In the Editor hierarchy, we have disabled the templates because
// we don't want them to be visible. We just want our generated
// world to be visible
var templates ='Templates');
var grass = templates.findByName('Grass');
var house = templates.findByName('House');

for (var y = 0; y < this.numTilesY; y++) {
for (var x = 0; x < this.numTilesX; x++) {
// Pick a tile at random, with grass more likely than a house
var tile = (Math.random() > 0.8) ? house : grass;

// Clone the tile
var e = tile.clone();

// Set the world position of the cloned tile. Note that because
// our tiles are 10x10 in X,Z dimensions, we have to multiply
// the position by 10
e.setPosition((x - this.numTilesX / 2) * 10, 0, (y - this.numTilesX / 2) * 10);

// Add the tile to the scene's hierarchy;