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Anchors provide the ability to create a point in 3D space that can be updated to match an ever-evolving understanding of the real world by the underlying the AR system. This allows for the placement of virtual objects in relation to the real world that feel planted in the user's environment.

Each anchor is represented as a position and orientation and can be created from an arbitrary point as well as in relation to a hit test result that will make it more reliable.

Using Anchors

To start using anchors, when a session is requested, a flag should be provided to the session:

app.xr.start(camera, pc.XRTYPE_AR, pc.XRSPACE_LOCALFLOOR, {
anchors: true


You can check if anchors are supported by the system:

if (app.xr.anchors.supported) {
// anchors are supported

app.xr.on('start', () => {
if (app.xr.anchors.available) {
// anchors are supported and available

Creating Anchors

Then you can create an anchor, e.g. using an arbitrary position and rotation:

app.xr.anchors.create(position, rotation, (err, anchor) => {
if (!err) {
// new anchor has been created

Or for more reliable tracking, an anchor can be created from the Hit Test Result.


Each anchor has its position and rotation and can be updated at any point. When an anchor is updated, the application developer should update related virtual objects accordingly.

Anchors can be added and removed dynamically during the session:

app.xr.anchors.on('add', (anchor) => {
const entity = new pc.Entity();

// add a cone for an anchor
entity.addComponent('render', { type: 'cone' });
entity.setLocalScale(0.1, 0.1, 0.1); // 10cm diameter

// transform
entity.translateLocal(0, 0.05, 0); // offset cone

// update cone when anchor changes
anchor.on('change', () => {
entity.translateLocal(0, 0.05, 0); // offset cone

// remove cone when anchor is destroyed
anchor.once('destroy', () => {


Anchor persistence provides a way to remember anchors between sessions, with a limited number of anchors per origin. This allows applications to place virtual objects in relation to the real-world geometry and remain there between sessions.

You can check if persistence is supported:

if (app.xr.anchors.persistence) {
// application can persist anchors

Each anchor can have a UUID that allows it to be referenced and restored between sessions.

You can access a list of persistent anchors and restore them on session start:

app.xr.on('start', () => {
const uuids = app.xr.anchors.uuids;
for(let i = 0; i < uuids.length; i++) {

To manage individual anchor persistence, you can use persist and forget methods:

anchor.persist((err, uuid) => {
if (uuid) {
// anchor has been persisted
if (anchor.persistent) {
anchor.forget((err) => {
if (!err) {
// anchor is forgotten