ボタン | コマンド | 説明 |
Menu | メインメニューを開いて、最もよく必要とされるエディターの機能にアクセスしてください。 | |
Translate | Activate the translate gizmo in the Viewport. | |
Rotate | Activate the rotate gizmo in the Viewport. | |
Scale | Activate the scale gizmo in the Viewport. | |
Resize Element | Activate the User Interface Element resizing gizmo in the Viewport. | |
World/Local | Switch between local and world coordinate systems for the active gizmo in the Viewport. | |
Snap | Enable snapping when using the gizmos in the Viewport. | |
Focus | Zoom the Viewport camera to the currently selected Entity. | |
Undo | Undo the last operation. | |
Redo | Redo the last operation. | |
Lightmapper | Access the Lightmapper bake and auto-rebake controls. | |
Code Editor | Open the Code Editor. | |
Publish | Publish a build of your project. | |
How Do I...? | Toggle the 'How Do I...?' help widget in the Viewport. | |
Controls | Show the list of controls and keyboard shortcuts supported by the Editor. | |
Feedback | Visit the forum to leave feedback about the Editor. | |
Settings | Load Editor and Scene Settings into the Inspector. |