
XR Support

PlayCanvas Web Components make it easy to add Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) support to your applications.

Basic Setup

To enable XR support, you'll need:

  1. XR-specific scripts (provided by the Engine NPM package).
  2. A camera entity with the appropriate scripts attached.
  3. UI for entering/exiting XR.

XR Scripts

Specify the following scripts using <pc-asset> elements:

<pc-asset src="/node_modules/playcanvas/scripts/esm/xr-controllers.mjs"></pc-asset>
<pc-asset src="/node_modules/playcanvas/scripts/esm/xr-navigation.mjs"></pc-asset>
  • xr-controllers.mjs - Dynamically downloads and renders XR controller models (GLBs) for any detected XR controllers (including hands).
  • xr-navigation.mjs - Implements basic teleportation navigation (via point and select actions).

Camera Setup

The XR scripts require the scene's camera to be set up as follows:

<!-- Camera (with XR support) -->
<pc-entity name="camera root">
<pc-entity name="camera">
<pc-script name="xrControllers"></pc-script>
<pc-script name="xrNavigation"></pc-script>

UI for Entering/Exiting XR

Finally, you'll need to add some UI controls to allow the user to enter and exit XR mode. This is a WebXR-specific requirement, where a user gesture is required to activate a XR session. Let's create two simple buttons to trigger either an AR or VR session.

<button id="enterAR">Enter AR</button>
<button id="enterVR">Enter VR</button>

Let's add event listeners to the buttons to trigger an XR session when the user clicks them.

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', async () => {
const appElement = await document.querySelector('pc-app').ready();
const app = appElement.app;
const xr = app.xr;
const camera = app.root.findComponent('camera');

document.getElementById('enterAR').addEventListener('click', () => {
xr.start(camera, 'immersive-ar', 'local-floor')

document.getElementById('enterVR').addEventListener('click', () => {
xr.start(camera, 'immersive-vr', 'local-floor')

window.addEventListener('keydown', (event) => {
if (event.key === 'Escape' && xr.active) {

Most of the Web Component examples have integrated support for XR. Consult their source code to see how it's done.

Next Steps

The PlayCanvas Engine has comprehensive XR support, with a wide range of features and options. For more information, see the XR documentation.