This is a list compiled of all the most commonly asked questions and answers for the Editor powered by Engine V2 for projects running Engine V1 or V2.
1. My scene looks brighter/darker in the Editor when it was powered by Engine V1 vs V2
Check Camera settings
- Check gamma and tone mapping for scene under Settings -> Rendering
- Check gamma and tone mapping for viewport under Settings -> Editor
- Check gamma and tone mapping for each
Scene Settings

Viewport Settings

Camera Settings

Check Texture sRGB flags
- Check if you have any audit fixes Status Bar -> N audits found
- Fixes can be applied automatically Status Bar -> N audits found -> Fix Issues
- Conflicts have to be resolved case-by-case:
- Refer to Console Output for which textures/texture atlases are affected and where they are used
- Click each warning/error to jump to where the texture/sprite is used
Asset Auditor
2. My camera makes objects look brighter/darker in the Editor compared to the Launcher
If the camera is created by a script, make sure the gamma and tone mapping settings are explicitly set on the camera component.