

In this example you can interact with the input slider to update the progress bar. Any actions you make can be undone / redone using the history buttons.


import React, { useState } from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';

import { Observer, History } from '@playcanvas/observer';
import { Container, Button, SliderInput, Progress, Label, BindingTwoWay } from '@playcanvas/pcui/react';

const observer = new Observer({ progress: 0 });
const history = new History();

const HistoryExample = (props) => {
const [ canUndo, setCanUndo ] = useState(false);
const [ canRedo, setCanRedo ] = useState(false);
const [ historyLabel, setHistoryLabel ] = useState('');
history.on('canUndo', setCanUndo);
history.on('canRedo', setCanRedo);
history.on('add', (name) => setHistoryLabel(`add action: ${name}`));
history.on('undo', (name) => setHistoryLabel(`undo action: ${name}`));
history.on('redo', (name) => setHistoryLabel(`redo action: ${name}`));
const linkProgress = { observer, path: 'progress' };
return (
<Container flex>
<Progress binding={new BindingTwoWay({ history })} link={linkProgress} />
<SliderInput min={0} sliderMin={0} max={100} sliderMax={100} binding={new BindingTwoWay({ history })} link={linkProgress} />
<Button text="Undo" enabled={canUndo} icon="E114" onClick={() => history.undo()} />
<Button text="Redo" enabled={canRedo} icon="E115" onClick={() => history.redo()} />
<Label text={historyLabel} />

ReactDOM.render(<HistoryExample />, document.body);