



Simple example of planes that always face the camera. i.e. billboards. Click on the box and fly around the scene with WASD

Camera model masking

Sample showing to use render masking on the lights and models to enable lighting to only affect certain models and cameras to render certain models.

Multiple Camera Layers

Demonstration project that shows how to use multiple cameras and layers to render a mixed user interface of UI elements and world-space objects.

Orbit camera

Sample with an orbit camera around an entity with both mouse and touch. Scroll wheel and 'pinch to zoom' is used to zoom in and out.

Smooth camera movement

Sample with a smooth transition of a camera from one position and rotation to another using the Lerp and Slerp functions.

WebXR AR: Hit Test

Example of how to use WebXR Hit Test API. That allows to hit test real world geometry.

WebXR: AR Image Tracking

Example of how to use WebXR Augmented Reality: Image Tracking API. That allows to actively track real world images based on provided sample.

WebXR: Plane Detection

Example of how to use WebXR Augmented Reality: Plane Detection API. That allows to actively track real world surface estimations.


クリックしてフォーカスし、 スペース キーでズームインとズームアウトを行い、 左矢印 キーと 右矢印 キーで左右のカメラに切り替えます