Entity picking using physics
A sample showing how to use the physics raycast to pick entities
A sample showing how to use the physics raycast to pick entities
Sample showing how to pick at objects without using the physics system (extra 1MB to published project) or the frame buffer.
Sample showing information hotspots on a scene.
Sample showing how to pick an entity by tag using raycastAll
Sample showing a simple point and click system to move an object where you user has clicked
Raycasting with multiple camera viewports. Click on the shapes in each view
Sample showing how to pick at an entity
An implementation of vehicle physics in PlayCanvas, using the RaycastVehicle API in ammo.js. Supports desktop, mobile and VR.
Example of how to use WebXR Hit Test API. That allows to hit test real world geometry.
Collision Picking - クリックしてシェイプを選択する