Welcome to the Billing FAQ that lists the common questions relating to your PlayCanvas subscription.
Does my subscription auto-renew?
Yes. Once you subscribe to the Personal or Organization plan, payment will automatically be taken on a monthly basis, on the day of the month when you first subscribed.
How do I cancel my subscription?
You can cancel your plan subscription at any time.
- Visit your Account page.
- Scroll down to the 'Current Plan' section.
- If you have Personal showing here, hit 'Cancel' to cancel it.
- Hit 'OK' in the CANCEL PLAN dialog.
- Also in the 'Current Plan' section, you will see a list of your Organizations.
- For each Organization listed, click its icon to visit its Account page.
- Scroll down to the 'Current Plan' section.
- If you have Organization showing here, hit 'Cancel' to cancel it.
- Hit 'OK' in the CANCEL PLAN dialog.
Once your subscription is cancelled, you will not be billed again unless you resubscribe.
When you cancel your subscription, it will not revert to the free tier immediately. Instead, this will happen at your next billing date. If between the time you cancel and your next billing date you decide you would like to continue your subscription, just return to your Account page and hit 'Resume'.
What happens to my published apps when I cancel my subscription?
Your published apps will be completely unaffected if you cancel your subscription.
What happens to my private projects when I cancel my subscription?
Your private projects will become locked (inaccessible) when you cancel your subscription. To unlock them, you have two options:
- Resubscribe to a plan.
- Make the projects public.
How do I receive invoices?
Invoices for monthly subscriptions are emailed to the owner of the subscribed account on the monthly billing date. The subject line for these emails begins with "Your receipt from PlayCanvas Ltd".
If invoices are not reaching your inbox, please check your spam folder.
Where can I find my billing history?
Your historical invoices are available to download on playcanvas.com
. Visit your account page and scroll to the Invoices
section. You should see something similar to this:
How do I update my details on my invoices?
You may want to edit certain details that appear on your invoices such as:
- Billing Name
- Billing Address
- Tax ID
To do this, visit the account page for your subscribed account (remembering that Organizations have their own account page). Navigate to the Billing Info section and hit the Edit link. Fill out the payment details form and hit 'PAY NOW'.
While the button says 'PAY NOW', editing the details of an existing subscription will not trigger a payment straight away. You will be billed as normal on the next billing date and the invoice will show the updated details.
How is billing for Organization accounts calculated?
- 5月10日にOrganizationプラン 1シートを利用開始
- その後、6月20日に1シートを追加
- その後、8月20日に1シートを削除
- 5月10日: 8610円
- 6月10日: 8610円。このプランは1シートを保有し、前月はプラン変更がありませんでした。
- 7月10日:8610 円+ 8610円 x 20/30 = 14350円です。この請求日の時点では2つのシートを保有しているため、翌月には2つのシート分の2 x 8610円が請求されます。これらのシートのうち1つは6月20日に追加され、6月20日から7月10日までの利用期間を考慮する必要があります。この期間は2つの請求日の間の30日のうち20日間なので、請求書には8610円 x 20/30が追加されます。言い換えると、追加または削除されたシートは次回請求日に「日割計算」されます。
- 8月10日: 17220円。このプランは2シートを保有し、前月はプラン変更がありませんでした。
- 9月10日:8610円- 8610円 x 21/31 = 2777円 です。この請求日の時点では1シートを保有しているため、翌月には8610円が請求されます。8月20日に1シートが削除されたため、シートは31日間のうち10日間しか使用されませんでした。ユーザーは前回の請求日にそのシートの分として8610円を支払い済みのため、未使用の21日間について返金されます。したがって、請求書から8610円 x 21/31が差し引かれます。
- 10月10日: 8610円 。このプランは1シートを保有し、前月はプランの変更がありませんでした。
How can I contact PlayCanvas about billing?
If your question about billing is not answered on this page, please email billing@playcanvas.com.